Hi, We're two brothers who play MapleLegends because we wanted to feel the nostalgic experience again.
We wanted to open stores in FM to earn some mesos, but didn't know how to price our items. We created Maple Heaven to help us easily find items data and market prices. We hope it will help you too.
Maple Heaven project is developed using SvelteKit and the data presented on our website is based on OwlRepo.com with a friendly UI combining item icons and item data from Hidden-Street.net (before big bang).
Special Thanks to geospiza the creator of OwlRepo, we couldn't have done this project without your special work! We encourage all our users to upload 'Owl Of Mirvena' Screenshots to OwlRepo so the market prices stay up-to-date.
Feel free to Contribute on GitHub.
The Maple Brothers
E and O